In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
Bardwell CofE
Primary School
Church School
Christian values are encouraged and celebrated across our school
As a Church of England School we carry out a daily act of Collective Worship and have close connections with our local Church, St Peter & St Paul Bardwell.
We are regularly inspected by SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglian and Methodist Schools) - our most recent SIAMS report (June 2024) will be available soon on the SIAMS website.
Excerpt from the June 2024 SIAMS report:
This is a very warm, welcoming and friendly school. Relationships are positive, because of a full commitment to the 'cogs', which include becoming a kind communicator. Through these associated values, the school community actively lives out the vision in their daily lives and interactions.
Wellbeing has a high priority, allowing pupils and staff to flourish, whatever their unique needs. Daily staff meetings provide time to consider pupils who need support. This nurturing culture enables those who are vulnerable to access every aspect of school life. In this way the Christian vision is consistently promoted. The deeply caring ethos means everyone is nurtured, so all are treated well.
Kind pupils live out the sense of Bardwell being a loving family in which older members guide and encourage younger ones.
Committed staff promote many chances for all to 'grow together' and 'reach for the sky'. They provide a stimulating learning environment where individuals, from their unique starting points, can achieve their best. This means pupils are confident, inquisitive and enjoy their learning. They actively participate in the extensive opportunities provided.
During the year we focus on a range of values within our collective worship times and across the school, using our established Bardwell Cogs.
Our 6 Cogs are:
Kind Communicator.